Jumat, Maret 26, 2010

Tips Melindungi Flashdisk Dari Virus

Tips Melindungi Flashdisk Dari Virus

Virus.. Makhluk menakutkan dari dunia digital yang kerjaannya merusak dan menghancurkan data. Emang repot kalo perangkat kita sudah terinfeksi oleh yang satu ini.

Salah satu perangkat elektronik yang riskan terinfeksi virus adalah flash disk, terutama bagi yang flash disknya suka jajan (berganti-ganti pasangan), hehehe..

Nah untuk melindungi flash disk dari virus ada sedikit tutorial untuk membuat flash disk agan kebal terhadap virus.. Mau coba ??

Ayo langsung praktek :

1. Buatlah sebuah folder dalam flash disk, beri nama “autorun.inf” (tanpa tanda kutip).

2. Di dalam folder yang baru saja di buat tadi, buatlah sebuah dokumen notepad. Untuk membuatnya klik kanan, pilih NEW, TEXT DOCUMENT, dan berikan sembarang nama (apa saja) untuk file yang di buat tadi. Nama ini nantinya akan kita ganti dengan beberapa karakter khusus.


4. Setelah CHARACTER MAP terbuka, pilih font yang embel2nya Unicode, seperti Arial Unicode atau Lucida Sans Unicode. Scroll kebawah sampai melihat huruf2 Jepang, Korea, Cina, ato karakter2 yang aneh.

5. Pilih 4 atau 5 karakter yang diinginkan, trus klik copy.

6. Ubah nama ato rename file teks yang telah di buat pada langkah ke-2 diatas. Klik kanan pada file tersebut, pilih rename, selanjutnya tekan [CTRL] + [V]. Jangan kaget bila nantinya akan melihat karakter berbentuk tanda kotak2 saja. Ga papa kok, itu normal kok.

7. Selesaiii...

Mungkin anda semua bertanya2, kok bisa cara sesederhana itu, dan flash disk kita kebal virus?? Begini, Windows ga akan terima kalo ada 2 file yang mempunyai nama yang sama. Nah, karena di flash disk kita uda ada nama autorun.inf, file lain ga boleh lagi pake itu nama. Istilahnya sudah di hak patenkan, jadi, ga bisa di pake oleh yang lain.. Dengan begitu virus udah ga bisa pake nama autorun.inf lagi

Lho, kalo ga bisa dipake, kan virus bisa menghapus sendiri file itu ? Trus buat lagi deh autorun.inf yang sesuai sama maunya itu virus ?? Nah, itulah gunanya file teks yang kita buat pake nama aneh tadi. Nama2 aneh itu dianggap virus sebagai karakternya Windows, padahal itu kan karakter unicode. Dan virus sendiri rata2 belum mendukung karakter unicode itu. Sampe botak juga itu virus ga akan bisa menghapusnya...

Cracklab TOP-9 (2010/ENG) | 102.44 Mb

Cracklab TOP-9 (2010) - Software Membuat Crack

Cracklab TOP-9 (2010/ENG) | 102.44 Mb

In this set is top-9 (February 2010) programs. This remarkable set suitable for both beginners and experienced enough to "crackers".

Contents of set:

* WinHex v15.5 - Probably the best hex editor. Pozvolet edit files, memory, disks, display address in HEX and decimal format, displays the values as bytes, words, double words. Can convert the information (add, modify to XOR). Maybe give the source of an array of Pascal or C. Can produce AutoCorrect to hexadecimal values and the rows. In general, he is the best!

* Editor v3.0.6 - Professional hex-editor, whose main difference from the same WinHex is the presence of C-like scripting language, significantly simplifies the work with the Research Agenda file. Just glad a lot of built-in tools: calculator, calculation of checksums, etc.

* Trial Reset v4.0.b1 - If the packer / protector shat in the registry trial key - to run this prog and see how she valiantly all these keys will. In fact, similar to RTKF, but much more functional - not to fixate on a single Armagh.

* Registry Trash Keys Finder v3.8.1.3 - It is not a krekersky, and custom tools, which nevertheless allows to deal with the protection of programs, namely, the duration of trial period. Currently, many programs are protected protectors Armadillo, ASProtect and some others. Protected protectors applications store information about the trial period in the registry. Author of this instrument sought out these places in the registry and created this tool that will automatically find the record of trial period in the Windows registry and wipe them on your choice.

* Hex Workshop v6.0.1.4603 - Another multi-functional Hex Editor. With Hex Workshop you can edit, delete, cut, copy and paste the hex value, fully customized print sections of memory, and exporting these plots. Rtf, or. Html.

* FlexHex v2.6 - Hex editor with many possibilities. In my opinion, one of the main competitors WinHex'u even passes him on functionality.

* Universal Import Fixer v1.2 - Program to correct the Import Elimination, Directly Imports and Hashed Imports. Can change IAT Base Address. Tested against such as Armadillo, ASProtect, Enigma, ExeCryptor, eXPressor, PeSpin, RlPack, TheMida.

* Revirgin 1.5 - program for semi-automatic recovery of import PE executable files which was withdrawn in order to dump their unpacking. Program analogchna Import REConstructor 1.6, however, in some cases, one of the programs is wrong with the Restitution of WinAPI functions of import and it is useful to compare the results obtained in both programs.

* DataRescue IDA Pro v5.20 Advanced Full - IDA Pro - is an interactive disassembler and debugger at the same time, allowing to transform the binary code of the program in assembly language text, which can be used for the analysis of the program.

Name of IDA Pro comes from the English Interactive Disassembler. IDA is used for the analysis of viruses (antivirus companies), research protection systems (software security auditing), reverse engineering (reverse engineering). Although IDA is not a decompiler (decompiler), it contains a debugger (debugger) and can analyze the program at a high level.

Disassembler allows you to get the same assembly code of a program of machine code (. Exe or. Dll module). Many disassemblers can determine the names of the calling program API-functions. IDA Pro is different from other disassemblers the fact that he is able to identify the names of not only the API-functions and functions of the MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class - is used by programs written in Visual C + +) and OWL (Object Windows Library - is used by programs written in Borland C + +), as well as the standard functions of C language (such as fread (), strlen (), etc.) included in the program code.

Supports large number of formats:
Win32 PE ExE, DLL, OCX, DOS EXE, UNIX EXE, MacOS, Java, ARM, dotNET, Xbox, Sony PlayStation, BeOS, OS / 2, etc.
IDA Pro - a leader in disassembling programs worthy counterparts simply do not exist!
In this version: Improved work with an ARM, the ability to analyze files for the iPhone, easy to use commands to local types (in particular, the types can be transferred between databases in the form of a declaration), as well as simplified fukntsii in IDC to control the debugger.
English (+rus)